Monthly Archives: July 2014

My Ten Favourite Canadian Books

Happy Canada Day! In celebration of today, here is a list of my ten favourite Canadian books in alphabetical order. I hope you discover a new author that you love and learn something new about Canada! (Keep in mind that if you are live in the US or UK, some of these titles may appear under different names.)

Margaret Atwood “Oryx and Crake”

Joseph Boyden “The Orenda”

Nicolas Dickner “Nikoloski”

Emma Donoghue “Room”

Terry Fallis “The Best Laid Plans”

Elizabeth Hay “Late Nights on Air”

Lawrence Hill “The Book of Negroes”

Ami McKay “The Birth House”

Lisa Moore “February”

Aritha van Herk “Places Far From Ellesmere” (a hard-to-find book, but a brilliant writer that changed how I looked at Canadian geography and caused me to re-read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy.)